Excellence in Education

Mary Lorimer Tutoring

Personalised teaching and tutoring support
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Contact us by telephone:

01884 220150

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Mary Lorimer Tutoring

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Mary Lorimer Tutoring was founded by Mary Lorimer who has had a 25 year teaching career and has a particular interest in providing literacy support to young people who lack confidence in their abilities.

Mary works with a number of experienced tutors, including a GCSE examiner and a qualified dyslexia assessor, who between them provide support for all ages in the following areas:

  • English and literacy support
  • Maths and numeracy support
  • Modern foreign languages, including French, German and Spanish
  • Science up to GCSE
  • School Entrance Exam preparation and 11+ for Grammar School
  • SATs preparation
  • English as a second language

Support is provided one to one or in small groups.

Dyslexia assessment is available through a qualified assessor.

All staff are highly experienced in supporting young people with special educational needs including ADHD and dyslexia.

Our Team

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Mary Lorimer image

Mary Lorimer

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Following graduation from Nottingham University, I decided to become a teacher and completed my...

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Angela Potter

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My teaching career has spanned forty years, and the enjoyment of working with children has never...

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Angie Francis

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I am experienced and qualified to work with people of all ages specifically with a dyslexia/...

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Carolyn Hallett

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I decided to be a teacher when I was at primary school. After training in the West Midlands...

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Graham Mullin

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I have a degree in Mathematics from Bristol University and a PGCE from Exeter University. I have...

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Helen Bussell image

Helen Bussell

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I studied my degree at Bristol in French and German, spent six months in each country as an English...

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Jayne Johnson image

Jayne Johnson

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I gained a BSc (Hons) Degree in Psychology in 2003 and continued to achieve Qualified Teacher...

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Jeanette Sherwell image

Jeanette Sherwell

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At Sussex University, I took a Chemistry with Education degree. After a P. G. C. E. Primary course...

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Lesley Hope

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After graduating from Leicester with a BA (Honours) in English and History, I moved to London and...

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Rebecca Pharaoh

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Following graduation from Cardiff University in Marine Geography, I embarked on various different...

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