Excellence in Education

Mary Lorimer Tutoring

Personalised teaching and tutoring support

Subsidised tutoring support available through Mary Lorimer Tutoring

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4 Jan 2021  by Chris Lorimer  general / subsidised support

Subsidised tutoring support available through Mary Lorimer Tutoring image

We have been able to obtain funded support for a limited number of students, needing tutoring support.  The funds are provided courtesy of Devon Business & Education Trust, a registered charity that operates from Devon Business & Education Centre.  These funds are to support young people whose educational progress has been adversely affected by the COVID pandemic, and where one to one tutoring will help bring them back on track.  In most cases, support of up to 50% subsidy will be offered for a fixed period, although larger grants may be available.

Support will be prioritised as follows:

  • Students have struggled to engage with interrupted schooling or online learning
  • Students have lost confidence or are worried about their educational progress
  • Students are part of low income families or where the financial circumstances have been adversely affected through the COVID pandemic as a result of furloughing or unemployment

Please contact us with a brief email or using the contact page, explaining why your child needs the support.

Funds are restricted so we encourage you to apply soon.  We will respond to requests within 24 hours.


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